google-site-verification=PtQbKNhLADvuui7w-pBUEa0xv-suHlS2cfnHvkbi2Yk Amazon brand to Amazon Europe: Things to consider - FBABrigade

Expanding your Amazon brand to the European market can be a game-changer, but it’s not without its complexities. In this blog, we’ll delve into the essential factors you need to consider when taking your Amazon brand across the Atlantic. From navigating international regulations to understanding local consumer preferences, our guide will help you chart a successful course in the world of Amazon Europe.

Things to consider:

Choose the right marketplaces:

There are 17 Amazon marketplaces in Europe, each with its own unique customer base and regulations. You’ll need to choose the marketplaces that are right for your products and target audience.
Need support in choosing the right marketplace? Click here.

Localize your content:

Your product descriptions, marketing materials, and website should be localized for each marketplace you’re targeting. This means translating them into the local language and using relevant keywords and phrases.
CNeed your content (graphics and content) changed to be in the local language? Click here.

Set up local shipping:

You’ll need to set up local shipping so that your products can be delivered to customers in a timely and affordable way. This may involve working with a local fulfillment center or shipping partner.
Get your complete Brand Supply Chain Managed. Click Here.

Consider different payment methods:

Different markets have different payment preferences. Make sure you offer the payment methods that are most popular in the markets you’re targeting.

Price your products competitively:

The price of your products will need to be competitive with the prices of similar products on Amazon Europe. You’ll need to factor in the cost of shipping, taxes, and other fees when setting your prices.

Promote your products:

You’ll need to promote your products to potential customers in Europe. This could include running advertising campaigns, participating in product listing optimization (PLP) contests, and using Amazon’s marketing tools.

Get your listings optimized.

Build relationships with local partners:

It’s helpful to build relationships with local partners who can help you navigate the market and reach your target audience. This could include local distributors, retailers, or marketing agencies.

Be patient:

Expanding to new markets takes time and effort. Don’t expect to see results overnight. Be patient and persistent, and you’ll eventually be successful.

Here are some additional things to consider:

The cost of compliance:

There are a number of compliance regulations that you’ll need to be aware of when selling on Amazon Europe. These regulations vary from country to country, so you’ll need to do your research to make sure you’re compliant.

The language barrier:

If you don’t speak the local language, you’ll need to find ways to communicate with customers in their native language. This could involve hiring a translator or using translation software.

The cultural differences:

Each country in Europe has its own unique culture. You’ll need to be aware of these cultural differences and how they might affect your marketing and sales strategies.


In conclusion, expanding your Amazon brand into the European market presents exciting opportunities and challenges alike. By carefully considering the insights shared in this guide, you can navigate the intricate landscape of Amazon Europe with confidence. Remember, FBA Brigade is here to support your journey every step of the way. As you embark on this international adventure, let our expertise be your compass, guiding your Amazon brand towards new horizons in the global e-commerce arena.

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